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Complete selections of wooden chess sets, decorative chess and life size chess : giant chess , garden chess , lawn chess , outdoor chess , big chess , large chess , yard chess
Handcarved chess sets are made by qualified craftsmen using the finest materials . As each set is handmade it is a unique work of art . Have variety size collections from 3" (small) - 72" King tall (Life Size Chess) also able to offer customised sets if require
Handcarved chess sets are made by qualified craftsmen using the finest materials . As each set is handmade it is a unique work of art . Have variety size collections from 3" (small) - 72" King tall (Life Size Chess) also able to offer customised sets if require
EXTRA ORDINARY CLASSICS: Elegant Wooden Chess Collections. This chess sets are made by qualified craftsmen using the finest materials . Use Sono-keling woods (original Black colors) for black pieces and Teak woods for white pieces, both have beautiful textures, make this chess sets look very impressive.
Specialize in handicraft of leather wooden christmas decoration and the javanese art. Developing arts and crafts on Yogyakarta Indonesia as a finance source to increase small craftsman society as an effort of perpetuation/innovation of the culture-arts value in the traditional society.
Offer customers Custom made Giant Chess sets at an affordable price. While reproduce the classic Staunton look, custom pieces are available and will be carved to client specifications. On here you can find life size chess with 72" King Tall
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